A Collection of Books to Inspire Fresh Thinking in Leaders of Remote Teams — Virtual not Distant

Remote: Office Not Required

by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried

The book was written in 2013, so a real thought-leader covering most of which you will have read about, heard about before. Written in true Basecamp style, with short, sharp chapters and bold statements. There are some “advocacy” chapters (including one on how remote allows you to be “Disaster ready” – no mention of a pandemic as an example though!) and some with practical advice on collaboration and wellbeing.

Some of my favourite quotes from this book:

“Progress is a joy best shared with co-workers.” (Hoorah for visible teamwork!)

“You, the remote worker, are in control of your social interaction – when it happens and how much of it you need.” (Hoorah for asynchronous interactions!)

“Remote work is about setting your team free to be the best it can be, wherever that might be.”

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