Category Freelancing

Unlocking Business Growth through Innovation

To stay ahead of the competition, be relevant, and sustain, businesses need to focus on innovation. It is not uncommon that old business models are falling apart and to stay ahead in this era, businesses must consistently innovate.  Why Innovation…

The Pain of Virtual Meetings isn’t the Problem

It’s a symptom. What you’re experiencing is the groaning of your operating model. It probably wasn’t optimized or designed for virtual work. What worked acceptably well in a co-located environment now doesn’t. I once heard that growth covers many sins…

What You Need to Know

Alorica Work From Home – here’s what you need to know. Alorica is a customer experience (CX) company. That’s a fancy way of saying Alorica is in the business of customer service. And, that’s good news for you, if you’re…