Category Freelancing

Revisiting Working Out Loud — Virtual not Distant

Now that online collaboration tools have stopped being a novelty and many mainstream organisations have adopted them into their knowledge work (whether in “remote”, “hybrid” or “office-based” settings), there is one concept that’s ready to make a comeback: “working out…

7 Tested Options « Geekbot blog

Home > blog > Choose Best Hybrid Work Schedule For Your Company: 7 Tested Options The hybrid work schedule has become a popular model for many companies looking to balance the benefits of both in-office and remote work. This approach…

The Best KPI Dashboards to Monitor Metrics in 2025

Creating and using a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) software is invaluable for any business manager. These dashboards allow managers to keep track of a company’s performance in real-time and provide precise information to make informed business decisions, reach goals, and…

1400 km Through Japan On A Shinkansen

I met a random guy in Medellin, Colombia back in March 2022 on my first nomad journey. We chatted briefly about skiing and realized we shared similar interests. 6 months later I was in Thailand and heard the news of…